Conference 2022

The Impact of Technological Innovation and Therapeutic Patient Education

Susana Pica Montesinos

Abstract & biog

Note: To enable subtitles click [CC] at the bottom of the video viewer and select “English United Kingdom”


  1. Farhana Tabassum on 10/28/2022 at 19:02

    This presentation is grand, definitely it will help me a lot to guide educators
    It will facilitate faculty growth and development more effectively and will be a foundation of capacity building as we soon start training of community health nurses for primary prevention of DM especially and NCDs at large

  2. Farhana Tabassum on 10/28/2022 at 19:14

    as Susana said internet is important but question posed a serious topic needing dialogue

  3. Shamim Akhtar on 06/18/2023 at 19:38

    The media is playing an important role in the present period. Although this technology is complicated, it can improve the health and lives of people with diabetes. Thus it can provide an effective solution for a patient at home.
    I like the advantage of such an internet but advantages can also affect negatively i.e disadvantages.
    This innovation is playing a significant part of our lives. Therefore, we should use it judiciously.

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