In 1981 Deirdre took up the first Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DNS) role in Newcastle upon Tyne. She joined Diabetes UK and went on to Chair the Professional Services Section and organised a number of Study Days for Nurses who were looking after people with Diabetes on wards and departments which were well attended.
Deirdre was Editor of a new Diabetes Nursing Journal at this time and subsequently a member of the Board of Practical Diabetes Journal. The two Journals were instrumental in providing education and research evidence with regard to Diabetes, to health professionals looking after people with diabetes as part of their role.
In 1994 Deirdre studied and obtained an MSc, and as a result participated in a number of Research Studies and subsequent journal publications as part of her role. The research was primarily identifying appropriate methods of providing Education for people with Diabetes, measuring outcomes and providing ambulatory initiation of Insulin for people with newly diagnosed Type 1Diabetes.
Deirdre provided input on aspects of Diabetes to the Diploma Courses organised by Northumbria University in both Newcastle and Malaysia.
In 2000 Deirdre joined the Executive Board of the Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes (FEND) and has served as Treasurer and then Chairman and currently Treasurer. Deirdre is also a member of the board of Trustees of FEND.