Specialist in the field of diabetic nursing and in the field of paediatric nursing in The Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsow.
President of the Polish Federation for Education in Diabetology (PFED).
National consultant in the field of diabetes nursing.
Master of Nursing, Master of Special Education.
She cooperates with medical publishers as an editor and co-editor of textbooks for nurses and midwives in the field of diabetology.
In 2006, she initiated the work of a team of experienced nurses in diabetics, which were issued as the first Recommendations in diabetes care of the Polish Federation for Education in Diabetology, which were addressed to nurses and midwives. The recommendations are updated and have now been published as expert recommendations: Practical Guidelines for Nursing and Midwifery Diabetes Care – 2020. A position of the Polish Federation for Education in Diabetology in the Pielęgniarstwo w XXI wieku (Nursing of the 21st century) scientific journal.
Since December 2014, she has been a national consultant in the field of diabetes nursing and coordinates the work of diabetes nursing regional consultants. She engages in activities initiated by patient organisations. She participates in national educational programmes, cooperates with professional magazines, universities, and non-governmental organisations.